Adam Levine was fond of music from childhood and already created a group of «Kara’s Flowers» in his youth. The singer for seven years did not appear on stage and was busy studying after the termination of the contract with Reprise Records. The band members gathered again and created the popular project «Maroon 5» In 2001. The favorite of the audience and the talented guitarist likes not only to perform, but to make tattoos as well. Each illustration on his body is thought out and has a deep meaning. Adam displays on the body important moments and events in life.
Adam Levine loves his tattoos and is proud of them:
1. There is depicted the number 222 on the inside of the left hand, which the singer considers his happy number. This is the name of the studio in which the band’s first album was recorded.

2. The image on the left hand shoulder of the cherry flowers and a dove symbolizes unity due to the tragedy of September 9, 2011.

3. The image on the left hand shoulder of the cherry flowers and a dove symbolizes unity due to the tragedy of September 9, 2011.

4. There is a Roman numeral 10 on the inside of the left hand above the elbow, made in honor of the tenth anniversary of the group.

5. There is an illustration of an eagle in combination with the inscription «Noah Levine» in Hebrew below the chest. Thus, the singer noted the presence in his family tree of Jewish roots.

6. The name of the city in which he was born and grew up ‘Los Angeles’ is disposed on the right shoulder.

7. Tiger is a favorite animal of the scene star.

8. There is an inscription in Sanskrit on the left side of the chest. It means «meditation». Adam Levin is fond of yoga and Indian culture.

9. There is very realistic shark on the right side. She is the only one that the singer is afraid of.

10. The singer made an illustration of the paw of his favorite golden retriever with the inscription «Frankie Girl», who died on the right shoulder blade.

11. Adam Levine’s tattoo on the right hand in the form of a red heart and the word «IOM» is dedicated to the mother.

12. The tattoo in the shape of a necklace at the back and front of the chain is the only one tattoo made under the influence of the usual desire on tour in Japan, and makes no sense.

13. The girl on the back symbolizes love and respect for the female sex.

14. The repeated several times inscription on the bicep «you’re so cool» appeared on the singer and on his girlfriend Behati Prinslu at the same time.

15. The last Adam’s tattoo was a large composition with a mermaid on the waves, birds around and a skull in his hands. The image belongs to the hand of Brian Randolph.

16. Both singer‘s hands are decorated with beautiful sleeves, complementing the overall picture.

Knowing Adam Levin’s love to the tattoos you can expect new creations on his body, amazing imagination, distinguished by beauty, unusual and bright.