For a star of US TV series Alyssa Milano has a reputation for lovers of tattoos. Fans of the actress keen interest in her every move. Tattoo for Milano — is not only a body decoration, but also attempt to reflect their essence. To date, Alyssa already have eight tattoos. Some tattoo contains a religious meaning. She is interested in world religions, the philosophy of Buddhism, is interested in astrology and talismans.
Alyssa Milano made the first tattoo a young man. Figure stamped on his stomach in the form of fairies with flowers. Tatu has a deep sacral meaning and determines the force of destiny. It is very rare to see in the photos.

Known to love Olesya rosary. On the right shoulder blade in her stuffed tattoo rosary with a cross . This image reflects the fundamental values in the life of the actress and that she considers most important in life.
It is a style of the main mantra «Om Mani Padme Hum» . The tattoo symbolizes the unity of spirit and life practice. Perhaps Alyssa wanted to show that in situations she prefers to act deliberately, and not spontaneous. Alyssa Milano gladly demonstrates this tattoo on the photo.
On the left wrist of the star has a tattoo with the image of «Om» symbol from the same Buddhist prayer. Figure packed after the first Alyssa husband. Tatu — all that remains of the marriage of the actress. The marriage broke up in the fall of that year, when the figure was established on the body.
On the right wrist Milano has a snake tattoo that bites its own tail. The star is proud of the tattoo. Having played the role of the witch in the TV series «Charmed» actress became interested in mysticism. Alyssa traveled to South Africa, where she worked as a volunteer and assisted the sick children in the hospital. For this she received the award «Saving the world one heart.» There she actively delved into the essence of various tribal rites and made her the tattoo. Snake in a way considered to be a symbol of the continuity of life on earth, carrying revival or rebirth.
The origin of this symbol is Ancient Egypt. There is a legend about a snake that eats its tail grows part. Due to this creature lives for ever.

According to Alice’s tattoo means infinity. In connection with this tattoo fans have any questions. Actress profess Buddhism. And there is the concept of the wheel of Samsara in this religion. It is considered a symbol of rebirth of man. If you go outside of the ring, then it reached nirvana. And the closer to the middle of the ring, the further away from understanding the meaning of life. In the center of the wheel is a snake, which plays the role of Buddhism in the evil character, hinder the development of the person. Why Milano had chosen a tattoo for yourself, remains a mystery.
On the right ankle Alyssa Milano tattoo wreath of flowers, which in the photo looks very cute.
On the left ankle of a star tattoo is stamped in the form of an angel holding a cross with SWR letters. This former lover’s initials. After breaking an engagement with him, Milan did not reduce the tattoo. The star joked that now symbolizes the lone tattoo redhead woman.
Another tattoo Alice symbolizes the romance of nature, I believe in true love, and feminine. This tattoo looks like a sacred heart and packed on the buttocks.
In 2004, thanks to his tattoos Alyssa Milano has received the title of «most popular tattooed woman in the world».