Love is a famous footballer David Beckham tattoos known to all. His body has about 40 tattoos.
Neck Soccer Stars 4 cover tattoos. The phrase «Pretty Lady» is devoted to the little girl and made recently. Below is the name of his beloved little girl four years «Harper». Inscriptions are made beautiful flowery font in the same style.

The back of the photo of David Beckham visible tattoo with a cross with wings and the name of the second son of «Romeo».

Name son appeared immediately after its appearance in 2002 thanks to the tattoo artist Louis Malloy from Manchester. Cross with wings appeared a year later, and is the work of the same master. He specially flew to Madrid to create this image on religious themes, designed to serve as a mascot for the football kids.
The back of the first part of the body, which made the tattoo David Beckham. The first football legend went under the needle in 1999. He made an inscription in Gothic style on the coccyx with the name of the firstborn «Brooklyn».
In 2000, on the back is made guardian angel image, designed to monitor and protect his son. Subsequently, drawing was finalized, there were wings.
In 2005, the football legend had a third son. This event will be displayed on the body of David as a name «Cruz» angel tattoos below, written in Gothic.
On the chest of David Beckham two composite tattoo. Religious painting of Jesus and three cherubs was created in 2010, a popular tattoo artist Mark Mahoney. The image symbolizes the of the player and his sons. A masterpiece created 6:00.
On the right side of the chest is visible terrific, well drawn picture girl in the forest. The values of this tattoo is unknown.
In 2010 the left along the edges appeared a Chinese phrase. Translated idea sounds like «Death and life are determined by you. Riches and honor depend upon heaven «.
Right on the edges of the player depicted grieving Jesus, made in the form of a copy of the Catholic icon Matthew Brooks «Man of Sorrows.» Tattoo is dedicated to the beloved grandfather Joe West, who died in 2009.
The left hand
On the shoulder reconstructed Renaissance painting of Cupid and Psyche of artist Francesco Raybolini. There is one major difference from the original, on the body of Psyche football scarf covered. Image is dedicated to the art of love, inspiration.
Below is a rim of 10 roses. The image is made in honor of the 10th wedding anniversary with Victoria.

On the outer side of the forearm shows a portrait of his wife Victoria in the image of Brigitte Bardot. Job footballer cost 5 thousand dollars. The basis of the picture the wife of the magazine was taken, where it was on the cover in 2004. Itself a tattoo applied in 2007. In the future, the words «This woman belongs to me, and I told her» in Hebrew. Those words are Mrs. Beckham. It is also close to Victoria’s portrait is the inscription «Forever by your side», in Russian «Always on your side».
On the inside, it is tattooed the name of Victoria in honor of his wife in Hindi. Inscription 2000. At spouses have a crossover tattoo with the initials «DB» husband.Below the name of his beloved wife in 2003 he has settled the phrase «I love and cherish», made in Latin «Ut Amem Et Foveam».
On the back of the hand is the image of the swallow and the word «Love», devoted to the birth of daughter.

Also near there swallow the inscription «Lead with love», and the number 723, uniting his team number 7 and 23.
Right hand
Inside forearm footballer in 2002 did a tattoo with his Lucky Seven, underneath he has successfully performed in the «Manchester United» club and the English national team.
In 2003, under the seven words tattooed in Latin «Perfectio In Spiritu»
Shoulder football legend in 2004 adorned the image of the inscription with the phrase «In the Face of Adversity» . The appearance of the tattoo matches the suspicion of betraying his wife with assistant. According to a footballer, he thus reflects the feelings and emotions.
In 2006 the couple Beckham tattooed same tattoo with the date 08.05.2006 and the word in Latin «De Integro» (in English translation, «Again, again»).
On the shoulder of David painted angels and words in Hebrew, noting their Jewish roots. On Russian first recording means, «My son, do not forget his father’s teaching, keep my decrees deep in the heart.» The second translates as «Let the hate, fear is».
Next to the angel can see the drawing of two cherubs, symbolizing his firstborn.
The following shows the angel clouds to supplement composition.
Inscription «Pray for me» associated with the transition of David Beckham in football club LA Galaxy in 2007.
On the back of the hand depicted three tattoos. Name Victoria font sizes. The number 99 is associated with the date of the wedding couple. Also in the photo David Beckham tattoo is visible inscription «Dream big, be unrealistic», in Russian means «to dream of a grand and not be realistic».